When you are thinking about your company's development or investments, we can help you plan your actions, map out public funding options and apply for funding. We can also support you during the implementation of the measures.
A company's financing needs change as the company develops. At the same time, the available financial instruments will also be updated. We will help you plan your company's development comprehensively and identify the appropriate sources of financing for your company. We support the preparation of the funding application, applying for funding and the implementation of the measures.
Our financial services in a nutshell

Help from financial experts
If you need help in matters related to business funding, get in touch in good time before beginning the process. The condition for public funding is that a project that has already started cannot be financed.
VTT expert service
We form a link between your company’s development needs and VTT’s (Technical Research Centre of Finland) broad range of research and development services. We help you to use VTT’s expertise in product development and research, and to carry out development projects with domestic and international partners.
Cooperation with educational institutions
We cooperate with educational institutions in the Joensuu region. Use our networks to find a partner for research and development projects as well as assignments, traineeships or theses.
We work in cooperation with Business Joensuu funds.
Our financing service is free of charge (excluding external expert coaching). We offer services to companies operating in the Business Joensuu operating area.