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Start Me Up 2024 business idea competition

Experience the excitement of the Start Me Up Award Gala and get to know the winners by watching the Start Me Up After Movie!

Start Me Up winners 2024

Start Me Up 2024 voittaja, pääpalkinto - VitalSigns Oy

Winner of the main prize in the Start Me Up business idea competition 2024: VitalSigns Oy.

The prize was received by CTO Tapio Taipalus, from VitalSigns Oy, on the right. The award was presented by Tomi Haring, Business Joensuu, on the left.

Start Me Up 2024 Tutkimuslähtöinen liikeidea -voittaja CorFlux_Tero Puustinen_Palkitsija Tomi Haring_Business Joensuu

Start Me Up Research-Based business idea category winner 2024: CorFlux.

The prize was received by Business Developer Tero Puustinen from CorFlux, on the right. The award was presented by Tomi Haring, Business Joensuu, on the left.

Start Me Up 2024 Ilmastoviisautta Joensuusta -voittaja_Kaarlo Valli_Päästölaskentaohjelmisto_Palkitsija Aino Kangas_Joensuun kaupunki

Start Me Up Climate-smartness from Joensuu Winner: Real-time emission calculation software for monitoring the use of mandatory diesel engines.

The winner, Kaarlo Valli, on the right. The award was presented by Aino Kangas, Climate City Joensuu program, City of Joensuu on the left.

Start Me Up 2024 Itä-Suomen yliopiston voittaja_Eelis Komulainen_Sähköinen huumausainekirjanpidon ohjelmisto_Palkitsija Irina Lavikainen_UEF

Start Me Up student category Winner from the University of Eastern Finland: Electronic narcotic records software by Eelis Komulainen and Teemu Sorsa, School of Pharmacy, Faculty of Health Sciences. 

The prize was received by Eelis Komulainen, on the right. The award was presented by Irina Lavikainen from the University of Eastern Finland, on the left.

Start Me Up 2024 Karelia-amk voittaja_Liito Oy_Palkitsija Heikki Immonen_Karelia_amk

Start Me Up student category Winner from Karelia University of Applied Sciences: Liito Oy - Disc golf tracking device and application.

The prize was received by Liito Oy team Henry Tuononen, Mika Meriläinen, and Emil Suomi. The award was presented by Heikki Immonen from Karelia University of Applied Sciences, on the left.

Start Me Up 2024 Riveria voittaja_Minttu Kosonen_Saukko työnsuunnittelun sovellus ja palvelu yrityksille_Palkitsija Sanna Lappalainen Riveria

Start Me Up student category Winner from Riveria: Saukko – work planning application and service for companies.

The winner Minttu Kosonen on the left. The award was presented by Sanna Lappalainen from Riveria, on the right.

Start Me Up 2024 Heinäveden voittaja_Fillariparkki Virpi Pakarinen_Palkitsija Maarika Kasonen Heinäveden kunta

Start Me Up Business for Heinävesi category Winner: Fillariparkki – concept of accommodation and rest areas for cycling routes. 

The winner Virpi Pakarinen on the right. The award was presented by Maarika Kasonen, Mayor of the Municipality of Heinävesi on the left.

Start Me Up 2024 Ilomantsin voittaja_WSEH Oy_Palkitsija Timo A. Hartikainen_Business Joensuu

Start Me Up Business for Ilomantsi category Winner: WSEH Oy, a system for utilising all wavelengths of solar radiation in energy production. 

The prize was received by the winning team, Sami and Katariina Vanhanen, along with Tenho Lamminluoto. The award was presented by Timo A. Hartikainen from Business Joensuu, on the left.
Start Me Up 2024 Kiteen voittaja_Narskuttelu Oy_Palkitsija Tomi Haring_Business Joensuu

Start Me Up Business for Kitee category Winner: Narskuttelu Oy, xylitol granules for a healthy stomach.

The prize was received by Pekka and Marianne Hoppu from Narskuttelu Oy. The award was presented by Tomi Haring from Business Joensuu, on the left.

Start Me Up 2024_Outokummun voittaja_Innopelletti Oy Annika Kontkanen_Palkitsijat Päivi Lintumäki Outokumpu_Juuso Hieta_Outokummun seudun teollisuuskylä

Start Me Up Business for Outokumpu category Winner: Innopelletti Oy, Villasta pulloon – sheep’s wool pellets for gardens and liquid fertilisers.

The winner, Annika Kontkanen from Innopelletti Oy in the center. The award presenters are Päivi Lintumäki, Mayor of the City of Outokumpu, (on the right, and Juuso Hieta, CEO of Outokumpu Region Industrial Village Oy, on the left.

Start Me Up 2024_Tohmajärven voittaja_Hirsiässät Oy Aleksi Sivonen_Palkitsija Mikko Löppönen_Tohmajärven kunta

Start Me Up Business for Tohmajärvi category Winner: Hirsiässät Oy, roof mount for connector and junction boxes.

The winner Aleksi Sivonen from Hirsiässät Oy on the right.  The award was presented by Mikko Löppönen, Mayor of the Municipality of Tohmajärvi, on the left.

Start Me Up 2024 liikeideakilpailun voittajat

Group photo of the Start Me Up business idea competition winners 2024.

The Winner of the New Business for Liperi category, Liisi Vuorjoki from Kniteco Oy with the business idea Uuteko, is not pictured. 

Start Me Up news

15.05.2024 Business Joensuu news

VitalSigns Oy’s innovation in the field of health technology, the Response 1.0 diagnostic device, has been awarded the first prize in the Start Me Up business idea competition. The smart device...

Read more Start Me Up news

Start Me Up news

Start your success with the Start Me Up business idea competition!

Get ready to launch your success by participating in the Start Me Up business idea competition. This is your opportunity to turn your business plans into reality and take your idea to new heights. Join the competition from February 1 to March 31, 2024.

Showcase, for example, a new product, service, solution, operational model, science or research-based innovation, or technology that creates or expands business. The grand prize awaits, with €35,000, and the total prize pool exceeds €90,000 across all competition categories!

Start Me Up is more than just a competition – it's a chance to receive expert support, coaching, and visibility for your business idea. The competition provides a unique opportunity for growth and networking to develop your idea, launch your business, and increase visibility. Collaboration with Business Joensuu, regional and national partners, and the business community in North Karelia strengthens your entrepreneurial journey.

The Start Me Up business idea competition is dedicated to promoting growth entrepreneurship and startup culture with the goal of fostering sustainable, internationally expanding businesses in North Karelia. The competition welcomes participants from diverse backgrounds, including individuals, companies, and research groups, not only from the North Karelia region but also from across Finland and worldwide. You can participate with multiple ideas, either individually or as a team.

All business idea proposals submitted by March 31, 2024, will compete for both the main prize and other excellent awards in various categories.

Participate now and let your ideas shine! Start Me Up eagerly awaits your business idea. Don't miss this opportunity – turn your idea into reality and join the competition in creating the next success story!

Submit your idea

Assessment of business ideas

After the competition period ends, the expert jury will carefully assess participants' proposals based on the following criteria and select the winners:

  • novelty value and innovativeness
  • feasibility
  • market potential
  • sustainability
  • business vision.

Start Me Up Award Gala

Which business idea will win the Start Me Up 2024 Business Idea Competition? And which ideas will shine in other competition categories?

Welcome to get excited and listen to the best business ideas and draw inspiration! The Start Me Up 2024 Award Gala will be held on May 15, 2024, at Science Park's Temple of Challenge hall (Building 3A, 4th floor).

The keynote speaker is Josefiina Kotilainen, the CEO of Startup Foundation. She will explore the environment and success factors of growth entrepreneurship and high-growth startup companies in Finland, offering valuable insights and guidance for Start Me Up competitors, businesses, and all interested listeners on the topic.

Gala program

14.00–14.05 - Opening of the event, Joona Kotilainen
14.05–14.10 - Welcome to the Gala, CEO Tomi Haring, Business Joensuu
14.10–14.25 - Start Me Up case: From VTT's idea to research and business, CEO Mikko Utriainen, Chipmetrics Oy
14.25–15.00 - Keynote: Growth Entrepreneurship and Startups, CEO Josefiina Kotilainen, Startup Foundation
15.00–15.10 - Break
15.10–15.20 - Introduction to the Start Me Up 2024 Business Idea Competition: Statistics and presentation of the jury, Joona Kotilainen and Kari Pulkkinen, Business Joensuu
15.20–16.50 - Announcement of the Start Me Up category winners and the winner of the main prize
16.50–17.00 - Winners on stage and closing remarks, Joona Kotilainen and Tomi Haring

Start Me Up Afterparty from 17.00 to 18.00:
The celebration continues casually at the Start Me Up Afterparty at the adjacent Serendipity Café:

  • Start with welcome drinks and delicious cocktail service.
  • Network - meet competitors and others attendees, exchange thoughts and ideas, and build new collaborations!
  • At the Afterparty, the media will have the opportunity to interview winners and get firsthand information about the competitors and their business ideas!

The event ends at 6:00 PM.

Further information