Sustainable solutions for the mining industry

Outokumpu Mining Hub
Services for the mining industry of the future
Outokumpu Mining Hub focuses on helping companies to design out waste and implement sustainable processes and technologies for mine waste management and water treatment. We provide services which are becoming an essential part of mining operations around the world.
"Tähän sitaatti "
Nimi Sukunimi, GTK

"Tähän toisen toimijan sitaatti."
Nimi Sukunimi, organisaatio

Our services
Optimization and utilisation of mine waste and other side streams
Mine waste management and closure solutions of waste areas
Water treatment and recycling in the mining industry
The first two service areas focus on secondary materials, such as tailings, optimization of different side streams, recovering valuables from mineral side streams and closure solutions of waste areas.
The third service area provides comprehensive solutions related to mine water treatment and water recycling.

Read more about our service areas
Optimization and utilisation of mine waste and other side streams
Comprehensive design of beneficiation processes and optimizing different waste fractions
- An in-depth review of the material in the beneficiation process to optimize the use of tailings.
- Maximizing the supply of products (valuables, precious minerals, aggregates) from the material through beneficiation.
- Reducing the amount of harmful waste (removal of harmful substances) and changing waste classification.
Recovery of valuable materials and minerals from mine waste and mineral side streams
- Evaluating mineral potential and utilization of old mine waste
- Recovering valuable materials and minerals from industrial side streams
Utilization and productization of mineral side streams
- Evaluating the utilization possibilities of different mineral side streams (for example environmental suitability testing).
- Developing new applications for side streams as raw material for various industries.
- Material processing
- Productization (end-of-waste criteria)
Mine waste management and closure solutions of waste areas
Piloting mine waste management and different solutions for mine closure
- Piloting solutions for mine waste management and mine closure in different scales (for example field testing)
Utilization of side stream materials in different management and closure solutions
- Investigating utilization possibilities of different mineral side streams in various mine waste management and closure solutions.
Water treatment and recycling in the mining industry
Evaluation and optimization of the quality of process water
- Impact of beneficiation chemicals for the water quality
- Impact for beneficiation process
- Water quality optimization
- Quality of water as part of mine water circulation and water balance
Water recycling and water removal solutions
- Enhancement of recycling (including different processing options).
- Separation of water from tailings with dewatering solutions to enhance recycling.
Water management and valuables recovery solutions
- Planning of water treatment in different process stages for different purposes.
- Testing and piloting of different water treatment methods in bench scale.
- Assessment of water quality after treatment.
- Recovery of valuable substances from the water streams from mining industry.
The green transition requires cooperation and innovation
Business Joensuu and GTK together with companies have formed a cooperation network that develops and offers sustainable solutions for the future needs
of the mining and mineral sector, such as water treatment and recycling, and more efficient utilisation of waste rocks and tailings.
The core of the innovation cluster, Outokumpu Mining Hub, is located in Outokumpu.
Extensive ongoing investment in GTK Mintec’s laboratory facilities, intelligent tailings research, and the digital development environment create a strong foundation for the cluster’s operations.
We are building a globally unique product development and business environment that utilises the special expertise of each cluster operator.

New business opportunities for cluster operators
• Developing international networks
• Strengthening visibility and active marketing cooperation
• Supporting RDI competence
Outokumpu Mining Hub cluster operators
Business Joensuu
Epse Oy
Fatec Oy
FinnCobalt Oy
Ima Engineering Ltd Oy
Metso Finland Oy
Process Genius Oy
Tapojärvi Oy
Tecwill Oy
Industrial Water Ltd
Weeefiner Oy
Sofi Filtration Oy
Keko Geopolymeerit Oy

Mervi Kontturi

Tuuli Kalliosalo