On-call business services
Tel. +358 10 419 8011
Mon – Fri, 9 – 17
Reservations of Science Park meeting facilities and conference arrangements
Tel. +358 10 419 8001
Calls to numbers starting 010 are charged normally (local network rate or mobile charge).
Mailing address and locations
Mailing address and location
Business Joensuu Oy
Länsikatu 15
FI-80110 Joensuu, Finland
The Business Joensuu office is located in Science Park. Meetings with our experts by appointment.
Municipal service locations
Heinävesi Municipal House
Kermanrannantie 7, 79700 Heinävesi
Yhteyshenkilö: Heli Hirvonen
Meetings by appointment
Ilomantsi Municipal House
Soihtulantie 7, 82900 Ilomantsi
Contact person: Timo A. Hartikainen
Meetings by appointment
Kiteentie 9-11, Ground floor, 82500 Kitee
Contact persons: Heli Hirvonen ja Katariina Eskelinen
Meetings by appointment
Outokumpu Industrial Park
Kuvernöörinkatu 1, 83500 Outokumpu (B-rappu, 2. kerros)
Contact person: Juha Saastamoinen
Meetings by appointment
Polvijärvi Municipal Technical Office
Välitie 2, 83700 Polvijärvi
Contact person: Juha Saastamoinen
Meetings by appointment
Rääkkylä Municipal House
Kinnulantie 1, 82300 Rääkkylä
Contact person: Timo Hartikainen
Meetings by appointment
Tohmajärvi Municipal House
Järnefeltintie 1, 82600 Tohmajärvi
Contact person: Timo A. Hartikainen
Meetings by appointment
Invoicing address
Electronic invoices
E-invoicing address 003729212701
Operator: Maventa (003721291126)
Broker ID when sending from the bank network DABAFIHH (used if invoices cannot be sent directly to the Maventa ID from the e-invoicing program)
Email invoices address
Invoices are sent to the service as PDF attachments, and the invoice attachments must be in the same file as the invoice itself. The maximum file size is 5 Mb. The file name must not contain special characters or spaces, and the file must not contain locked or password protected content.
Invoices on paper
Business Joensuu Oy
P. O. Box 100
FI-80020 Kollektor Scan, Finland
Y-Business ID: 2921270-1
Arriving at Science Park
Arriving at Science Park is easy, no matter which direction you come from, or which mode of transport you use.
See Google-kartta.
Download the Science Park mobile map.