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Business Stories | SMEs growth (3)

Companies describe their competence, activities and business. Our customers shed light on the results they have achieved with us. Read and get inspired!

22.03.2022 City of Joensuu

“From coffee men in the east to beer men,” headed Olutposti a Finninus magazine focusing on beer, when the owners of Unison Coffee, Tomi Sutinen and Miska Kämäräinen, and Tomi Piipponen, who joined...

22.02.2022 City of Outokumpu

Piippo Oyj, one of the world's leading producers of baling nets and wires, has updated its strategy. In March this year, the 80-year-old company now invests heavily in the development of its Agri...

26.01.2022 City of Outokumpu

- "Looking very good! The turn of the year is usually a quiet period but has now been totally different. Customer companies have many development projects and plant investments coming up,” says Mikko...


04.02.2025 Business Joensuu news

The How are companies? business campaign by Business Joensuu connects experts with entrepreneurs in Tohmajärvi, Kitee, and Rääkkylä throughout February and March. The campaign offers entrepreneurs a...