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Metal and Plastic Industry Growing and Innovating in the Joensuu Region

Metalli- ja muoviteollisuus kasvaa ja innovoi Joensuun seudulla, Business Joensuu edistaa yritysten kasvua ja kilpailukykya_artikkeli 5.9.2024

The metal and plastic industry is thriving in the Joensuu region. Following the lead of international key companies such as Abloy, John Deere Forestry, Mantsinen Group, and Kesla, a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have emerged in the industry. These companies have seen significant growth and innovation in recent years, with the support of Business Joensuu, a development company.

The metal and plastic industry is growing and innovating in the Joensuu region, with Business Joensuu driving business growth and competitiveness.

According to CEO Tomi Haring, the vision of Business Joensuu and the city of Joensuu is to make Joensuu the most business-friendly and easiest city in Finland for starting companies, developing business operations, and accelerating startup growth.

The development company promotes regional business growth in various ways and supports the utilization of public business funding.

- In investments, the emphasis has been on efficient production machinery, automation, and the development of digitalization.”

In addition, Business Joensuu's business services launched a key customer pilot for SMEs in the industrial sector this year.

Petri Holopainen_EFM-Group_Automaatio_Artikkeli 5.9.2024_Business Joensuu

CEO at EFM Group, Petri Holopainen highlights how close cooperation between companies, educational institutions, and economic actors supports business success.

“We want to stay more in tune with our customer companies. All communication and contact are handled through each company’s dedicated key account manager,” says business expert Antti Mononen.

One of the twelve key customer companies is EFM Group Oy, an alliance formed by four engineering companies: Joensuu CNC-Machining, KKR Steel, Rakennustempo, and Viimet. EFM Group has 230 employees and a turnover of 39 million euros. The company produces a wide range of parts and system assemblies for industrial needs, with a significant portion of its products exported.

EFM Group has been utilizing Business Joensuu’s services since its founding in 2021, particularly for investment projects and funding applications. According to Mononen, EFM Group is an excellent example of leading local companies that have boldly invested in automation and digitalization.

“EFM Group’s subsidiaries have a long history of collaboration. It’s great how easily they’ve always reached out to us,” he says.

According to CEO Petri Holopainen, through this alliance, EFM Group can produce fully installation-ready components for its clients using its own processes. This has been noted as a preference by customers.

“Now, you can get the entire product package under one roof, and the value-added of the products has increased. We’ve become a very self-sufficient player.”

Holopainen emphasizes that the Joensuu region is an excellent place for business. One key factor is the availability of skilled labor, but as a local with a strong connection to his hometown, Holopainen also praises the clean natural environment.

“There are no plans to leave. On the contrary, we aim to concentrate even more operations here,” he says.

The article was published in Kauppalehti's Edelläkävijät supplement on Entrepreneur's Day, September 5, 2024. Edelläkävijät is an expert publication produced by Storywise. The article in Finnish is also available on the UutisMedia website.

Article text: Eva Kottonen, PiikkariMedia
Article photos: Business Joensuu

Further information:
CEO Tomi Haring, Business Joensuu, +358 400 380 130,

Business Expert Antti Mononen, Business Joensuu, +358 400 490 420,
CEO Petri Holopainen, EFM Group Oy, +358 10 315 1800,

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