The How are companies? business campaign by Business Joensuu connects experts with entrepreneurs in Tohmajärvi, Kitee, and Rääkkylä throughout February and March. The campaign offers entrepreneurs a...
How are companies in Central Karelia 2024?

Press Release January 29, 2024
Business Joensuu is launching their "How are companies?" campaign for the second time in Central Karelia, specifically in Kitee, Rääkkylä, and Tohmajärvi. Throughout January and February, the Business Joensuu team will proactively engage with businesses to ask how are they doing and what service needs they have. The team will not only reach out to companies and individuals planning to start business activities by phone but also meet them in person over coffee and during on-site company visits.
This year, approximately two hundred companies in Central Karelia will be contacted, providing seamless and free assistance to companies in various stages of their business and service needs.
Throughout the campaign, there will be personal meetings with individuals planning to start businesses and existing companies. Informal discussions on various aspects related to business activities will take place over a cup of coffee with Business Joensuu's team members in each campaign municipality. Additionally, the Business Joensuu team will make on-site visits to companies, maintaining contact through text messages and phone calls.
Business Joensuu has previously conducted the "How are companies?" campaign three times, and in addition, the "Business Whisperers" campaign has been implemented in the Joensuu city area for several years. Combined, these campaigns reached over 1600 companies last year. Previous discussions highlighted aspects such as business growth and development, finances, recruitment, availability of skilled workforce, ownership changes, and public procurements.
2024 Campaign schedule
The "How are companies?" campaign is scheduled for Rääkkylä in week 5 (January 29 - February 2, 2024), Kitee in week 7 (February 12 - 16, 2024), and Tohmajärvi in week 9 (February 26 - March 1, 2024).
During the campaign week, coffee events will be organized in each municipality:
Rääkkylä: Wednesday, January 31, at 8.00–9.30 | Rääkkylä Municipal Hall Martta Café, Kinnulantie 1, Rääkkylä.
Kitee: Thursday, February 15, at 8.00–9.30 | Irman tupa, Kiteentie 26, Kitee.
Kesälahti: Thursday, February 15, at 14.00–15.30 | Matami's Lumo Café, Pyhäjärventie 8, Kesälahti.
Tohmajärvi: Thursday, February 29, at 14.00–15.30 | Tohmajärven SEO, Järnefeltintie 5, Tohmajärvi.
In the areas of Heinävesi, Ilomantsi, Joensuu, Kitee, Outokumpu, Polvijärvi, Rääkkylä, and Tohmajärvi, companies and individuals initiating business activities can receive all business services from Business Joensuu. Additionally, Business Joensuu, in collaboration with Lipertek Oy, provides business services for entrepreneurs in Liperi.
For more information:
Business Joensuu Oy
Business Specialist Satu-Minna Piiroinen
0400 287 787,
yritysasiantuntija Heli Hirvonen
0400 956 178,
yritysasiantuntija Katariina Eskelinen
040 140 7505,
yritysvalmentaja Timo Hartikainen
050 468 5492,
Business Specialist Timo A. Hartikainen
050 341 9449,