The PIMAP+ consortium has been set up to support 6 leading European clusters, their SMEs and regional ecosystem actors to strengthen cross-sectoral cooperation in the fields of photonics, advanced manufacturing, metalworking and aerospace industry.
The PIMAP+ partnership is a follow-up of the successful activities implemented in the PIMAP Partnership Strand 1 – which build a solid internationalization strategy with 2 Memorandum of Understanding signed in USA and Canada – to further enhance the internationalization capacities of SMEs, accelerate the SMEs access to international markets and further boost the inter-clustering activities and cross-sectorial cooperation between photonics, advance manufacturing, metalworking and aerospace industry.
In the period 2020-2022, 6 European Clusters, ALPHA-RLH, le pôle français des ondes de l’innovation, AFIL- Associazione Fabbrica Intelligente Lombardia, Triple Steelix, Business Joensuu Oy, PRODUTECH – Production Technologies Clusters and Moravian Aerospace Cluster, will further accelerate the access to international markets for SMEs and will support the development of business agreements and B2B cooperation.
Together they will accelerate innovation and the industrial modernisation process in Europe and will provide a springboard for cluster SMEs to internationalise and support regional actions through the leverage of photonic technologies and cross sectoral collaboration in key industrial value chains, establishing Business Agreements in 4 country markets: USA, Canada, China and Japan.
Target Sectors:
• Advance Manufacturing, metalworking and aerospace industry.
Specific Objectives
• To support cross-sectoral cooperation among cluster organisations and SMEs.
• Establish cooperation agreements with international business in countries beyond Europe
• Establish cooperation agreements with Research intermediaries in countries beyond Europe
• To foster SMEs engagement and SMEs internationalisation
• To create a European Identity and Explore the possibility to establish a metacluster
• To develop a long-term exit strategy ensuring the sustainability of the PIMAP + Project
Participating Countries: Francia | Italia| Finlandia | Svezia | Portogallo | Repubblica Ceca
Topic: Enhance internationalization capacities of SMEs, accelerate the SMEs access to international markets and further boost the inter-clustering activities
Project Budget: € 449 651
This project was funded by the European Union’s COSME Programme under grant agreement No. 951208
Project Website: