31.10.-01.11.2024 UEF Joensuu campus and Joensuu Science Park, part of the ICS24 conference
Forest & Photonics 2024
FOREST AND PHOTONICS: Designing Forested Environments in 2040 brings together leading companies, researchers, and experts in the field to jointly identify technology solutions to the future challenges of using forest resources:
· What kinds of smart forestry planning measures and value chains reconcile the procurement of wood biomass, the goals of carbon sequestration, and the preservation of biodiversity while taking economic, social, and ecological sustainability into account?
· What kinds of data sources and monitoring approaches are needed to evaluate the impacts of the adopted measures?
· How can we prepare for risks elevated by climate change in order to safeguard the vitality and production of forests?
· How could the forest bioeconomy side streams and circular economy opportunities be better utilized?
· How does photonics, the science and technology of light, contribute to forestry today and tomorrow?
· What role could artificial intelligence and other emerging technologies potentially play as enabling technologies?
The conference session is hosted by the University of Eastern Finland and Business Joensuu in collaboration with the other members and partners of the Forest Joensuu and Photonics Joensuu innovation ecosystems.
Read more about the ICS24 conference
The programme and speakers will be updated closer to the date.
31.10.2024 12.30-18.00 (EET)
Designing Forested Environments in 2040, Metria, UEF Joensuu campus (M101)
12.30-13.00 Keynote: Regenerative forestry for more vibrant, diverse and climate-resilient forests - extending requirements for forest data, Olli Leino, Director Digitalization, Metsä Group
13.00-13.20 Applications of proximal imaging spectroscopy in forestry and wood science, Markku Keinänen, Research Manager, Department of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology, University of Eastern Finland (UEF)
13.20-13.40 Making forest operations more sustainable with Lidar sensors on harvesting equipment, Mauricio Acuna, Research Professor of AI and automation in forest operations (LUKE)
13.40-14.00 Benefits of models based on causal understanding vs. data-driven artificial intelligence for forest inventory and planning, Jari Vauhkonen, Professor of forest planning and an adjunct professor of forest remote sensing, University of Eastern Finland (UEF)
14.00-14.30 Coffee / Networking break / Poster Session
14.30-14.45 Impacts of stand and landscape attributes on Ips typographus damage hotspots in Finland, Alexander Pulgarin Diaz, Researcher, University of Eastern Finland (UEF)
14.45-15.00 Automobile Made from Forests, Katsuhiko Takata, Professor & Director, Institute of Wood Technology (IWT), Akita Prefectural University (APU)
15.00 - 15.15 How to gauge ecological sustainability of forest operations?, Tuomo Kauranne, President, Arbonaut
15.15 – 15.30 How to make the most of digitalization in forest management - a global forest company perspective, Antti Kaartinen, Senior Manager, Stora Enso Forest Division
15.30 – 16.00 Panel discussion
Olli Leino, Director Digitalization, Metsä Group
Tuomo Kauranne, President, Arbonaut
Antti Kaartinen, Senior Manager, Stora Enso Forest Division
16.00-18.00 Campus tour
· SenseLab
· Computational Spectral Imaging Lab
· XR Lab
· Drone Lab
· Sphagnum moss research
19:00 ICS24 CONFERENCE DINNER (registration for the dinner as part of the ICS24 conference registration)
01.11.2024 08:00-10:30 (EET)
Industry presentations and networking event, Joensuu Science Park
Länsikatu 15, Temple of Challenge, 3A-building, 4th floor
8.00-8.30 Coffee & networking
8.30-9.00 Industry presentations – Forest Joensuu
- Sitowise, Teemu Saramäki, Sales Manager
- Arbonaut, Jeremias Jeskanen - Identification of old trees using LiDAR data
9.00-9.30 Key Note: Hyperspectral Satellite Imagery, Jarkko Antila, CEO, Kuva Space
9.30-10.30 Industry presentations – Photonics Joensuu
- Entangly Optics and Photonics, Anni Lehmuskero, Senior Optics Specialist
- Winse Power, Arto Aho, CTO
- Seetrue Tecnologies, Piotr Bartczak, Co-Founder
- Dispelix, Petri Stenberg, VP of Manufacturing & Site Manager
- Arestech, Arto Parikka, CEO
- Chipmetrics, Kalle Eskelinen
Read more about the conference: 4th International Conference for Sustainable Resource Society - ICS24
Keynote: Olli Leino
Regenerative forestry for more vibrant, diverse and climate-resilient forests - extending requirements for forest data
Olli Leino works as a digitalization director at Metsä Group’s Wood Supply and Forest Services. He has an extensive work experience in wood supply and business development. His expertise in digitalization and strategic development has significantly contributed to enhancing forest management practices and promoting sustainable forestry. Olli’s work focuses on leveraging modern data tools and integrated planning to achieve ambitious goals in business development and regenerative forestry.

Keynote: Jarkko Antila
Hyperspectral Satellite Imagery
Kuva Space Oy is revolutionizing Earth observation services by building the world’s most extensive hyperspectral satellite constellation and leveraging advanced AI to deliver near real-time value adding services.

Mauricio Acuna
Making forest operations more sustainable with Lidar sensors on harvesting equipment
Prof. Mauricio Acuna (Luke) holds a PhD in Forest Engineering from Oregon State University, a MSc in Operations Research and Management from the University of Chile, and a Bachelor in Forest Engineering from the University Austral of Chile. He is currently a Research Professor of AI and automation in forest operations at Luke. Prof. Acuna has nearly 30 years of professional experience and is one of the international and national research leaders in forest technology and wood supply chain optimization.
His international experience includes short-term visits and collaboration with organizations in Chile, Uruguay, Canada, USA, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Finland, Ireland, Spain, and Portugal. His research interests include sensing technology and AI in the forest supply chain, mathematical programming and optimization techniques in forest management and operations, wood and biomass harvesting and transport logistics, and harvesting machine evaluation.
Currently, he is leading projects focusing on Lidar and depth camera sensors installed on harvesting equipment combined with AI technology to improve decisions and maximize value recovery in forest operations.

Jari Vauhkonen
Benefits of models based on causal understanding vs. data-driven artificial intelligence for forest inventory and planning
Dr. Jari Vauhkonen is a professor of forest planning and an adjunct professor of forest remote sensing at the University of Eastern Finland. His research focus is on using artificial intelligence, machine learning and similar techniques on remote sensing and other digital map data to support multi-objective forest planning and decision analysis.

Markku Keinänen
Applications of proximal imaging spectroscopy in forestry and wood science
Dr. Markku Keinänen has currently a research manager position at the Department of Environmental and Biological Sciences and Center of Photonics Sciences at the UEF. He is a plant biologist with background in ecophysiology, plant chemical analysis and phenotyping, and in recent years has been focusing particularly on spectral imaging of plants and bio-based materials, such as wood. He is the vice-head of the National Plant Phenotyping Infrastructure of Finland and has had the main responsibility of establishing two plant phenotyping laboratories focusing on spectral imaging, at the UEF and the UiT Arctic University of Norway at Tromsø

Tuomo Kauranne
How to gauge ecological sustainability of forest operations?
Dr. Tuomo Kauranne is the founder and CEO of Arbonaut Ltd., a leading provider of digital forest ecosystem inventory and forest decision support systems to governmental and private customers in over 40 countries on six continents.
Katsuhiko Takata
Automobile Made from Forests
Automobile Made from Forests, Katsuhiko Takata, Professor & Director, Institute of Wood Technology (IWT), Akita Prefectural University (APU)
Antti Kaartinen
How to make the most of digitalization in forest management - a global forest company perspective
Antti Kaartinen is Senior Manager in Stora Enso Forest Division. He has more than 20 years of working experience in forest sector, including forest remote sensing, GIS and some 15 years of global management consulting experience covering the forestry wood sourcing value chain. His current role covers product management and business intelligence in Precision Forestry domain; building improved forest data acquisition, handling and utilization.

John Alexander Pulgarin
Forest entomology: The European spruce bark beetle damage in Finland
Alexander is forest engineer and MSc in entomology, working as a researcher in forest insect pests and forest ecology.
At the moment, his main research focuses on assessing the risk of Ips typographus (European spruce bark beetle damage) damages in Finland.

Open Innovation Workshop on Environmental AI and Photonics
Forest & Photonics Pre-event
Are you a student, researcher, or startup enthusiast passionate about innovation? Do you want to tackle the pressing challenges in forestry and photonics while exploring new business ideas? This workshop is your chance to collaborate, brainstorm, and innovate with like-minded individuals.
What to Expect: team building, brainstorming, pitching, AI-powered facilitation, creativity and fun!
Schedule 30.10.2024 13-16 Temple of Challenge, Joensuu Science Park
Facilitators: Mikko Järvilehto and Santeri Lanér / Business Joensuu
Come prepared to think big, collaborate, and create solutions that could shape the future of forestry and photonics!
Register for the Pre-event on the ISC24 registration form
Forest & Photonics Posters
Hanna Haapala, Petri Varvia, Lauri Korhonen (University of Eastern Finland), Estimation of tree cover extent using ICESat-2 spaceborne lidar data.
Ghasem Ronoud, Maryam Poorazimy, Tuomas Yrttimaa (University of Eastern Finland), Antero Kukko, Juha Hyyppä (Finnis Geospatial Research Institute), Ninni Saarinen (University of Eastern Finland), Ville Kankare (University of Turku), Mikko Vastaranta (University of Eastern Finland), Characterizing the Competitive Stress of Individual Trees Using Airborne Laser Scanning.
Mikko Vastaranta, Tuomas Yrttimaa, Lauri Liikonen, Aapo Erkkilä, Johanna Paakkari (University of Eastern Finland), Eetu Kotivuori (Finnish Forest Centre), Timo P. Pitkänen (Natural Resources Institute Finland), Alternative Methods for Collecting Forest Inventory Data from Field Plots: First Field Experiences.
Shammi Keya (Karelia University of Applied Sciences), Jouni Pykäläinen (University of Eastern Finland), Rohinton Emmanuel (Glasgow Caledonia University), Antti Haapala (University of Eastern Finland), Assessing Urban Greenness for Climate Resilience: A Spatial Framework for Evaluating Cooling Needs and Vulnerability in Cold Climate Cities.
Jan Kunnas, Aliisa Pöllänen (University of Eastern Finland), Bark Beetle in the National Landscapes of Koli and Puijo.
Tuomas Yrttimaa, Samuli Junttila (University of Eastern Finland), Juha Hyyppä (Finnish Geospatial Research Institute), Markus Holopainen (University of Helsinki), Michael A. Wulder (Natural Resources Canada), Mikko Vastaranta (University of Eastern Finland), Quantifying architectural uniqueness of Scots pine trees using terrestrial laser scanning: Towards individual tree fingerprinting.
Further information
Key Account Manager, Green Transition
+358 50 306 7254
+358 10 419 8019

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The event will be produced as a part of the Joensuu city's innovation ecosystem agreement activities, which are co-funded by the European Union and the City of Joensuu.